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My Experience

Roles & Responsibilities

Partnership for Strong Families
Academic Enrichment Coordinator

July 2022 - Present

Responsible for overseeing the Strong Kids Afterschool Program at the SWAG Family Resource Center. Duties include implementing evidence-based literacy and social-emotional curriculum, facilitating evaluation methods such as reading assessments and pre and post-tests, behavioral management, fostering positive relationships with children and families, serving as a liaison between SWAG and neighboring schools, and scheduling age-appropriate enrichment opportunities. Current experience in leading a classroom, managing interns, advocating for 504 plans and IEPs for students, creating sustainable community partnerships, conducting research, familiarizing self with education policies, using education best practices through a trauma-informed lens, and connecting families to community resources.

Kids Count in Alachua County
Program Assistant

August 2020 - July 2022

Served 1st-5th grade, low-income, and academically behind students through an afterschool nonprofit organization. Facilitated lessons, lead a classroom, supported social-emotional learning, planned programs, performed tutoring, encouraged healthy child development, maintained a safe learning environment, implemented culturally-competent practices, and supervised outdoor activities. Collaborated with staff and school administration, and identified signs of child abuse and neglect. Performed significant grant writing and fundraising duries for the Amazing Give initative.

GatorWell Health Promotion Services
Graduate Residential Outreach Educator


July 2021 - December 2021

Maintained relationships with residents, presented in college classes on a variety of health topics, developed effective programming, responsibly operated two outreach offices, and facilitated research.

Click to view full resume: 

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